Its epic also when will we rematch on my gang vs Luke?
Plus i am wating for the fan art
Its late here but since tomorrow is Saturday i can stay waked upped for more time
Note: i live i...
I will join it tomorrow
Weird question ikr ;-;
Zari is half stickman half dragon and he definitely does not wield a gun lol
I will not spare you're soul =)
But if you are thinking: "why is that?"
The answer: i hate pi...
Also yes i am still awake playing roblox with friends
1. Zari is without wings
2. 2 people in the background with swords but 1 should be with sword (V...
I will try to participate next time also i should go off now
I will try to notice and participate it tomorrow
One of my favorite movies is sonic 1 and 2
Just leave me alone