(The other eevee COPIED my name!!)
So all you have to do is Say,"UMBRON!" To join the club and there is only five ppl that are gonna...
The drawing contest can be whatever you want the art to be!
You don't even have to do color!!
All three of them!
-Eat 50 oreos! (Wow!!)
-Jump in a pool of slime!
So no bad stuff! Lol!!! I'm so bad at spelling things today! Lolololol!!!!!!!
EEVEE:"boys I am still single" *says it in chrominance voice*
No she is not the Pokémon EEVEE. But she kind of looks like her! Catgirl and Scott:EEVEE say som...
Catgirl:I have to agree that bullying is just not right! Scott:I didn't bully anyone! >:o Catgirl...
Catgirl:"Poor Scott!" Scott:"WHY CATGIRL!!!" Catgirl:oh no! *~*" Scott:*runs after her* Scott:ok ...
Sorry unicorn for using caps for a coment... so I got you a present