
  I’m Danielle Nice to meet you

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4 views - 5 years ago

  I’m Danielle Nice to meet you

I have one older brother, a little brither (Trojan), and a little sister (Bailey)

4 views - 5 years ago

  I’m Danielle Nice to meet you

My brother doesn’t like hugs

7 views - 5 years ago

  I’m Danielle Nice to meet you

Me: I’m fangirling so bad right. He looks like a little gay boi it’s cute.
Trojan: I want you to...

14 views - 5 years ago

  I’m Danielle Nice to meet you

(He literally told me to call him that just now)

4 views - 5 years ago

  I’m Danielle Nice to meet you

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6 views - 5 years ago

  I’m Danielle Nice to meet you

Thank you and good I mean I sprained my forearm and it’s but other than that amazing

3 views - 5 years ago

  I’m Danielle Nice to meet you

Well I believe you can speak so 0

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8 views - 5 years ago