Hey,dudes—or dude-ets—I gotta go. btw icey,ur cool and lily cat,I think you're nice... Bye!
yaw and they call me weird because I don't watch it...my friends are weird...and if you haven't g...
Why don't my friends understand that there are two types of anime-the kind it's okay to watch... ...
Oh...my...god... I SOO AGREE HOTD IS AWESOME!!!!! Best flippin' anime ever! My friends say I act ...
Ugh. Stupidness...fail... It uploaded the suckish outline....I fail after all! NO000ooo.
Never mind I think i got it. YAY. now my mom doesn't think I turned into some bi-polar dude!
STUPID TECHNOLOGY!!! I hate this...sorry I can't figure out how this messaging system works...
I'm not really evil...just...ya know...whatever... XD