Anyone on? I woke up in the middle of the night and cant fall back asleep..... So anyone there? x3
-freezes to death in the cold ass water- bleh I'm kinda bored..
Hmm I think i'll take a break off overly obsessing Dazzy ^^ time to go swimming!!! -dives into wa...
Eh I'm not gonna make that promise, sorry bunny but its too broad i'll make the promise to atleas...
So i'll end it with, I like you and well thats probably not ever gonna change :)... Woah well tha...
The fact that you've been through hell and back is amazing and you can still stand and be as swee...
Would you stop being such a nice person your only making it worse... =.= cause your so damn perfe...
*When I talked to you I felt a lot better. So please just let me stew in my guilt a little becaus...
No I didnt wanna bring back sad memories when all you've done is be nice to me! Its not fair ok? ...
No problem. Well I should work on some new drawings I guess.. And again Jay i'm sorry I didnt know.
Stop. Nothings wrong with you, you have NO reason to be sorry I understand. when stuff like that ...
And what do you mean always..... you know what its fine! Everything is just fine... Nvm ok lets j...
Its um fine.. Dont worry About it ok? I would've done the same thing.. Everything is just fine