
  Im Chris, not wolfie.. Chris.

There goes the days of dream

16 views - 6 years ago

  Im Chris, not wolfie.. Chris.

Only phase 1 and 0

 2    19
34 views - 6 years ago

  Im Chris, not wolfie.. Chris.

1 more to Go with lots a phases *sigh* im ready oh wait there is also asgore XD

 2    30
54 views - 6 years ago

  Im Chris, not wolfie.. Chris.

Your best wolf friend

7 views - 6 years ago

  Im Chris, not wolfie.. Chris.

Do do do do do do do do do do do

27 views - 6 years ago

  Im Chris, not wolfie.. Chris.

-_- don't start. //// Lexi: ugh!! IDC. I am the only Lexi I'm da 1st one.

15 views - 6 years ago

  Im Chris, not wolfie.. Chris.

Weird me oh yea (outer tale)

16 views - 6 years ago

  Im Chris, not wolfie.. Chris.


29 views - 6 years ago

  Im Chris, not wolfie.. Chris.

???: aaaa I give up!

17 views - 6 years ago

  Im Chris, not wolfie.. Chris.


I saw this on a frisk and asriel animation

15 views - 6 years ago

  Im Chris, not wolfie.. Chris.

1: at school
2: here
3: at house
4: way more
They say racist stuff
I am mad
I will...

21 views - 6 years ago