Also I have tried throwing it out a window it kept screaming
I’ve burned it I’ve hit it I’ve stabbed it but it just won’t stop
Just remember I went into suicidal fuckwad mode last night and went complete ape shit over a can ...
None of you know me so what’s the point in pitying me
I’m just another suicidal 11 year old noth...
I’m 11
Where did it all go wrong
Why do I hurt myself
Something is missing inside of me
I wan...
Why the fuck am I doing this to myself
I’m 11
I’m so fucking stupid
At least it doesn’t hurt ...
I don’t know why I’m just having a fucking meltdown
What do I do?????
I’m literally going mental please help
Cutting myself rn because I feel like causing myself pain
Playing hotline Miami rn
It’s good y’all should play it it’s on Xbox
Me and my friend drew him out of Boredom
He was meant to be pentagons new bf but now he just ex...