Deston: Why is my name on that book?! | Ahaha. Ahahahahah, AHAHAHAAH. because I was to lazy to fi...
M. Mari: Heh, you two are- -the babies kick- Ò-Ow! Really impatient.. Eheheh... -they kick again-...
And still hang out with me even though my art sucks a butt compared to theirs. Yay, friends.
Emily: Mm.. -has a nightmare about her wings getting cut off- AH!! -gets up- .. Holy crap.... Not...
Julia: -crying- | Max: Hey ki— ddo? Are you ok..? -kneels down and hugs her- | Julia: They make f...
Vixen: Shut up with your stupid puns... | Hah. Told you you’d regret chugging down that whiskey D...
Hm? | Vixen: I kissed someone~~ | Oh god, who died.
Devon: Shut up.... | Vixen: -puts head on his lap- Heh.
Julia: Daddy! Daddy, look what I found!! :D -smiles and holds up and wavy stick- | Max: That’s Co...
Snow: Hm... I wonder what my ship is doing... Hey! Let’s go find out >:3
I stole this from lucky >:333333333 (inspired)