
  Rich Boi

No not at all, oh when I tripped did you see where he went at all?

7 观点 - 10 years ago

  Rich Boi

You sure you want to?This man is very dangerous after all

11 观点 - 10 years ago

  Rich Boi

Don't worry about helping well get this guy under arrest and in jail as fast as we can

6 观点 - 10 years ago

  Rich Boi

We try and try but for some reason we either mess up or he disappears before we can get him

9 观点 - 10 years ago

  Rich Boi

we have no idea yet but he's been causing deaths all across the country

8 观点 - 10 years ago

  Rich Boi

(Walks closer to Kirimi) well I don't know who he was all I know is that he's responsible for kil...

24 观点 - 10 years ago

  Rich Boi

(Looks over at Kirimi) is something wrong?

20 观点 - 10 years ago

  Rich Boi

Huh?(turns around and sees fluffy)

12 观点 - 10 years ago

  Rich Boi

(Starts to walk forward looking for someone)

18 观点 - 10 years ago

  Rich Boi

(Looks around) hopefully he didn't get to far

19 观点 - 10 years ago

  Rich Boi

(Trips over a root of the tree face first into some dirt) mrphmr (gets up and wipes the dirt off ...

34 观点 - 10 years ago

  Rich Boi

She's a paranormal investigator and sometimes a detective

11 观点 - 10 years ago