
  A Cute Cyan Boi

watch dance till your dead 10 hours from start to finish

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47 views - 3 years ago

  A Cute Cyan Boi

Idk i will do them when I'm finished
If I get any

40 views - 3 years ago

  A Cute Cyan Boi

its currently 7:40 ish where I live and I have somthing due at 9:00 and I need 15 sentences im on...

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30 views - 3 years ago

  A Cute Cyan Boi

I'm hiding from the snaggle tooth ( my dad ) and trying not to get bit

17 views - 3 years ago

  A Cute Cyan Boi

Translate from French to English
Va te faire foutre

26 views - 3 years ago

  A Cute Cyan Boi

If you celebrate Halloween what are you going as


13 views - 3 years ago

  A Cute Cyan Boi


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28 views - 3 years ago

  A Cute Cyan Boi

Yayyyy i guess

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29 views - 3 years ago

  A Cute Cyan Boi

he has a wife and 2 kids and a dog

32 views - 3 years ago

  A Cute Cyan Boi

I will release episode 1 after school

35 views - 3 years ago

  A Cute Cyan Boi

Oh boi I'm excited

46 views - 3 years ago

  A Cute Cyan Boi

4 more people can join
I just added somone that joined but didn't draw it by adding an among us ...

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45 views - 3 years ago

  A Cute Cyan Boi

just comment if yah want to be in it
I really want to do this

50 views - 3 years ago

  A Cute Cyan Boi

I'm assuming this is a smash thing because I've never played it

44 views - 3 years ago

  A Cute Cyan Boi

I'm hoping for only NO'S

31 views - 3 years ago

  A Cute Cyan Boi


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34 views - 3 years ago

  A Cute Cyan Boi

I think I spelt it right
But yeh they want to get to 35 followers

10 views - 3 years ago