I kno for sure yaya will guess this XD but here's a hint: she's a 15 year old virgin and wants 10...
It's worth it and I'm getting Ichigo's Zanpakuto from Bleach for $40 XD
~ Angel Beats.....I kinda wanna watch B gata H kei again XD well my friends wants to watch it so ...
。。。I just had to search up boku no pico and actually I'm not freaked out all that much...I mean I...
It doesn't look as great as it did but here's Misomo :3
Yaya! Can I use ur style of coloring for one of my drawings!? But a totally different drawing!? H...
。。。Yaya•Chi! B gate H kei is hilarious XD I finished all 12 eps in 2 days but thanks for suggesti...