*eats my peach quietly then turns to sceni* do you remember anything?
*offers sceni a peach* you were almost cuddle raped by lazy and then you blacked out ^-^ peach?
-sits under tree and eats a peach for no apparent reason- anyone else gotta weird craving for pea...
Oh well sorry xD *hands sceni a tissue x3 and helps her up* *grabs on for myself and wipes my nos...
-runs over to sceni, making sure she's alright- oh thank goodness she just passed out... :) never...
@prince I'm not going to deny the possibility... Jkjkkjkj sorry bad joke .-.
*gently hits lazy with rolled up news paper* no! Quit being gross 0-o..
*pats your head half heartdly* thanks Snow but I'm done with love for now probably for awhile /: