Song - Soda City Funk - Tim Legend
I love the song so m u c h
Uh so there was a time I liked girls a l o t, and of course, online, there were boys that liked m...
👏👏👏😫😫😫 Knight boi
Took LSTD o n c e
Had weed in america of course
His voice is 👌👌👌👌
Fitz the owner of the podcasts has talks with his friends about random shit
Fellow aussies are Z...
Aaaagahakqkak Zuckles is gay for McCreamy-
So gay that he literally had a sex dream about it-
I was about to say why is everyone getting up late but I remember I was awake at 3AM, only three ...
I regret the thing I did
And you’re probably wondering what it is
I fell asleep listening to my aussies scream at each other-
The reason was because people were reuploading their podcast and it was annoying t h e m
I think it was “Epic Dreams we had” episode in Misfits where Zuckles said he had a sex dream with...
Fitz thank y o u