I have been fighting Anorexia for weeks now and I want to stop. I have been to several therapists...
This took me one minute pls don’t roast me ;-;
This movie is 10/10
This is Claire. She looks like a jerk but she is really struggling with mental health problems. S...
This is Jensen. He is a thicc redhead. It hurts my soul to give him up it’s just I don’t rlly use...
I was really board watching Steven Universe fusion compilations so I made one of me and Cosmo.
She asked me to do her floating in space so I did and here it is! Idk if I did the right OC tho
So June is pride month and I made this in June but I never uploaded it soooooo...HERE YA GO!
She is so nice and kind so go follow her and yee
So I made this at 10:20 and I was like WHAT IF PEOPLE LIKE AND COMMENT?! But now I’m like screw i...
So I drop my body so it is just my eye and my eyelashes turn into limbs for the bat. I have four ...
Sorry I haven’t been posting often I will go back to posting daily!!