

Ok I'm here's a question how long will you guys just keep saying cuss words and go to hell and ot...

8 views - 11 years ago


I'm not racist is that the best insult you got? I'm having fun here seeing all of you waste so mu...

16 views - 11 years ago


Lol that Japan girl can't stop cussing hmph well I guess you want to have fun with me in hell I'l...

8 views - 11 years ago


Remember to sick your daily dick or else you'll get cranky oh and sorry for disturbing you guys o...

11 views - 11 years ago


I'll sto with porn though I bet izzy is sad because of that xD

8 views - 11 years ago


Feels bad man this app is getting sadder and sadder

8 views - 11 years ago


Even for me you saying that is sad and utterly repulsive your fat loose whore vagina is disgustin...

21 views - 11 years ago


Bitch bitch bitchh fagggy nice vagina you tight Asian whire ahhh Tess I like angry one ooohjhhh T...

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22 views - 11 years ago


Not penis Urdu what more penis or vagina or both hejehegefgdbfgfbxv. Ajhhha you like tho Chinese ...

49 views - 11 years ago


Uh chunk

Vagina stilled senen fag eat it up tresses. Flagship gag gay sex sex vaginavwant more ...

173 views - 11 years ago