Oh well
I'm back
I might be up to my old doings (creating more accounts to go undercover for ...
Just checking the crap I made
w h e e z e
Anyone remember m e ?
Maknae 101 are you alive
No wait..
I'm super fucking sorry
It may take a while but okay
and Skate city
I met a new friend
I chased her until it was time to get back home
Oof first drawing on here with the new Mannequin I got :v
It's so late
Okay bye
Lmao me and Ari/Spirit look so fucking alike
To help me with art
I also have Sketch
I'm @DisgustinglyCute so yeah
I am going to make...
I just like AnimeMaker
ÙwÚ ☆
I just hate myself, it's so fucking true that I have depression 😔
I'm not lying to anyone..