(・人・) ✨ Golden Crust ✨ (・人・...
I don’t know why I drew this, people just like this style I guess XD I don’t smoke though- ;_;
I’m super lonely there and it’s so cool please go 😶🥺
Lizzie: 13 years old, favorite food, pork. A timid, shy girl who loves playing o...
Omg..🥵🥵🥵Shes hot
So, do anyone feel like a boring little loner who hangs around AnimeMaker for nothing? It’s a fri...
I just kept changing the colors lol
Draw a character from your favorite show in your own style! You can make a custom outfit too. Goo...
I made a new poem about my parents
Inspired by ✨🍰Floor_Carpet🍰✨ Haha- my new OC is so bad compared to FloorCarpet’s 😅
I’M SCARED OF BAGELSSSS AHHHHHH- I’m also scared of the dark but like- :T Enjoy :T
I won’t be online very much because my school just started back up! I will be checking this app f...
I haven’t been online much because, well, I just started online school again- I don’t have much t...
It’s really sloppy but I tried my best. I hope you like it :)
why did you click this? Don’t you have better things to do? :/