Jedi Master Pierce Brooks a...
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I plan to redraw this later, making it look more like the characters haha. I'm not sure if it's H...
ESB is pretty cool
This scene was depressing
When your nose just randomly starts bleeding in the middle of English class
Once, they both started giggling like little kids when Ewan accidentally hit Hayden in the face w...
I need to learn how to draw arms and hands
They just had so much chemistry, and I was devastated when they never had a scene all together (a...
Oh no, I just realised Marty was supposed to be holding a glass bottle
Marty in the background like "How was I ever even born, this awkward moron can't even say destiny...
A piece of fanart for you! 💜💜
Cue Michael Jackson noises
I don't even support Leicester that much, nor do I really like football, but OMG, I'M SO HAPPY TH...