Sub for longer and better stuff
Bill reunites with stick boy and slisk, inside of a dark monsters body. But, someone in there kno...
Bill, panda, and doctor penguin are on a quest to get groceries
Hey you! I’ve reached 10 followers, so it’s challange time! Give me one
This is my good friend, tanooki, or tin tin, named after the power up in Mario
Bill and stick man are discussing what to do next when suddenly, BOOM! Shadow giant returns and e...
If you get what thus isn’t from your cHiLl
With slisk gone, the group is at a huge disadvantage. But, bill might have a plan
The giant shadow, after eating slisk, gets away. What happens now???
Slisk, sweater, and penguin are the only ones not in the grasp of the giant shadow creature, so s...
Slisk knows what the thing outside is, but he won’t say....
what’s it doing and how does bill k...
I am so thankful that all 8 of my followers decided to show interest in me. I hope you all do wel...
While sweater man gets his arm replaced, helmet sees something outside
Gust chucky cheese is going bankrupt
If bill was one punch man