I had him for 2 days
I don’t know what happened
A few minutes ago he was twitching and sha...
I tried making it look like an animal ripped it and crawled in
Hopefully my parents won’t kill...
There was a bird trapped under our deck,
a g a i n
And I had to cut the net stuff on the si...
Me: :)
The child I just kidnapped: D:>
My throat got better
Now it’s hurting again and there’s red splotches on my skin haha
In invader zim everyone seems stupid and like, disgusting yknow
What if that’s just how zim s...
I don’t think it’s gonna work. Sorry :(
Plus I never asked your age...
And we seem to be on...
Also me: big foots nephew
And when she asked me if I was okay I said “nOoOooO” and went back to sleep
I don’t remember that