What should I name them?
I tried to have a nice aesthetic, but it didn't really work
Her name is pronounced Ma-ree-aa btw
Someone help me
Am I gonna finish this? Maybe
But I've been working on this for like two weeks so um yeah, hope...
Lol don't take this seriously. I'm in a creepy mood, ya know?
The character (OC) used was Sally
I'm sorry I've been gone for no reason, it's just I've been unmotivated to do pretty much anythin...
I just read the story of Laughing Jack (I loved btw) and there's a lot of violence in it (that's ...
But I have a two hour delay so aayyeee
And sorry I've been shitposting a lot, I can't draw on m...
Jk guys my friend made this in school lol
What? No, I don't read fandiction, what do you mean?
I have two projects due like next week and I didn't do anything ugutsugutsyfydteugoh
I don't know
I'm just bored
gnitirw srdawkcab ,oslA