Bombs? You want it? It's yours my friend, as long as I have the motivation to animate them
My NG stuff shows I can do well with even a bit more effort, but it's so frustating to get shit r...
Don't have any hope of me gettint past fight 1, I just joined cause it seemed like a silly idea, ...
I've done some real bad shit back then (and still am in some ways), so I hope most people have fo...
You'll just be known as that one sonic and/or bean guy that occasionally loses his mind and drink...
i've been increasingly thinking of drinking as a solution to all my problems, because nothing els...
Time to go click on your posts for multiple minutes everybody
The app freezes seldom, and zooming is such a breeze
Forgot the #Geoffrey my bad
No kidding No cap
Fr this time
Please don't give me complicated stuff I'm still shit...
I'd love to animate something but I sadly lied, I'd hate to animate something
~Some girl at my school after seeing me drawing the G
This simple question has been haunting and...
Don't expect the requests to be made into good drawings though
This is the best deal I've made y...
Now I'm just back to being mediocre at art, no more bonus points for chiptune
Just sitting in fr...