Historian War Animation Map...
He was known by the Soldiers as 'Red Face' because of his agressive actions, in 'La Grand Armee' ...
He was one of the best Marshals on the Empire and he routed the Spanish even they outnumbered him...
He was known for his Revolutionary War and the Philippine - American War and his Cause of death w...
He is known for the Comedy President he once told "Tell that Prest he'll go to Hell!" but he real...
I went into my App store and begun finding types of Animation and found an App called 'Anime Make...
The First Female President of the Philippines, she was known for his husbands assasination and gi...
Dear Brazilball bruh I Hope you have Wonderful life, and you did Extremely well at fir...
Thank you all that Followed me, thru a Month i am very glad that our Community have been Sucessfu...
This is Currently the President of the Country before his Elections in 2022 and he was Known for ...
Jose P. Laurel was the President of the Second Philippine Republic, after the Japanese Invaded th...
President Marcos was Known for his Batas Militar or Martial Law, Stealing Companies Money, Saving...
The President is known for his First Policy, and the 'Golden Age' of the Country, and Defeating t...