Rating my day:
Today was really fun, my friend came over and we watched the new demon slay...
The movie has so good but it was so emotional at the end😰
When your 12 and get like 3-4 hours of sleep most nights after texting ur friend for 2 hours stra...
YALLS MUICHIRO IS 14..which means he’s only 2 years older than me😻👌😼😼😼
Sooo in ep 24 zenitsu is acting kinda sus😃😃
Anyone else think this part is…questionable?:
LMAO jk. Y’all ain’t ready for my Giyuu edit😫✨👌
This post was made because an ✨amazing✨ Demon slayer related video that took like 5 mins to make ...
Me and boba got Taro tea together!: https://pasteboard.co/KcpAiG0.jpg
@Im not Boba🧋🤫
Feast your eyes on this ✨swaggy✨ Animation🙄👌
SABITO IS MINE NOW! (I’m lookin at u boba) I kidnapped him and locked him up in a cage MWAH HA HA...