Sparks, there's a reason why I did that. Because you annoy me. ):T
Reupload because it was too fast.
Midnight is fine, guys. Remember she's stuck in her evil side so.. And I didn't add that much blo...
I'm telling him to stop because hissy's gonna think it's not funny and attack the both of us! Not...
Aww, this made me a little sad too.. No I'm serious guys. ;~;
Well, it's because they're animals and they never wear clothes, unless it's like a sweater from t...
She looks scary, but she's very loving and she's so nice. This is Whisker's new toy!
I hope you liked it. :3
Thanks so much guys! :D Stay awesome!
Daisy: Sparks, how dare you make a 8 year old cry!!
Sparks: God. ):T
This is my favorite meme. I also like the I Love My Life meme. And now the song for this meme is ...