Music taken Dragon crushing Squeak no one Cotton...shes 9 now...
Scream and cry Punch it Say hello back Cry
Run Try and calm down music and dragon Run and hide
Let her out Keep her in Yell"CALM DOWN!"
Go to squeaks Study her sleeping Sit and wait
1:take a break I'll ask you tommorw 2:don't push yourself to reamber just let the memorys come ...
1:ok then 2:can you try to reamber 3:I'll let you try and reamber I'll go check up on your buddy
1:do you reamber anything about your child hood 2:can you tell us where the hidden kingdom is 3...
1Give her a teddy 2Hey hey no need to cry 3:hey you can't cry you need to answer our questions!!!!
Squeak And Music
Fanboy:looking at her ass*//music:-_-*trys to punch the fanboy but she pulls a muscle*;-;
Lenny face*)
X3 any more?)
Devil:wrap in a towel screeching at jackson*