mimi draws and animates stu...
<img src="https://tenor.com/view/thunderbolt-pikachu-pokemon-anime-attack-gif-17278549.gif
Each year increases art styles.
She was a helper of animating!
DBZ(Z Doragonboru in Japanese)
Woah amazing! Keep it up...
Whoa your human drawings are realistic! Keep it up!
U Want My B B B B A A A A L L L L L L L ? !
Stickman: you...want...my...BBBBAAAALLLLLLL????!!!! Another stickman: OK, catch! *Catch ball ga...
Made by Me Animation for Sticka Thy
Your art is not good but amazing! You are so good at drawing characters as well as hands. Keep it...
A blue cup filled in water
I hope you will draw doraemon like me..But you drew doraemon the wrong colors. Anyways if you ar...
Anyways friend, do not worry, always keep trying! Never give up, pal!
Great style! I hope you could do way better than ansonykl, always keep it up friend! Forgot ur n...