


Sleep with beauties, angels!
Wait wat? It was not sleep with angels? Oh i glithed

9 views - 2 years ago


Incomplete animation (consider this is part 1)

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22 views - 2 years ago


Im wanting to animate something

27 views - 2 years ago


Almost noone is commenting ,-,

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26 views - 2 years ago


Sorry guys for not posting for 11 days TwT
Flary said that its so cold even puting it on microwa...

17 views - 2 years ago


Cold food: 100%
Nice chili: 0%
Magma: 0%
Nothing: 0%

Winning: Cold food (put on micro wave)

35 views - 2 years ago


1° place is meow! Go follow him!
Theres no more ranking bcz noone esle has participated my chall...

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41 views - 2 years ago


Noone did my dare??
Im sad

21 views - 2 years ago


Draw your main oc (dont need to color it) with eyes closed!

32 views - 2 years ago


Sleep well, beauties! (Btw pls remind me of the dare tomorrow bcz im fish-memory as almost everyo...

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25 views - 2 years ago


Hope that all the beauties have nice sleep! Sorry for dont posting the dare, ill (try to) post it...

20 views - 2 years ago


Just a perfect circle. Btw gm guys! Today im going to start a challenge!

26 views - 2 years ago



I really need to post something! Btw sleep well, beauties

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16 views - 2 years ago



Sorry for dont posting yesterday and today! (Yesterday my cellphone was 0% and i forgot to put in...

15 views - 2 years ago


Where are the comments ;-;
Feeling lonely ,-,

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29 views - 2 years ago