
  Faster the Wolf

I'll try and draw something tomorrow
And I did write the first episode of my story but its terr...

8 views - 1 years ago

  Faster the Wolf

Now you're ded

29 views - 1 years ago

  Faster the Wolf

If you find it then you’ll get a cookie 🍪

39 views - 1 years ago

  Faster the Wolf

Also I hv English exam today

68 views - 1 years ago

  Faster the Wolf

Im bored so…. I’ll go play roblox for a bit

14 views - 1 years ago

  Faster the Wolf

Also my eyes are still burning

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86 views - 1 years ago

  Faster the Wolf

Hopefully my dad wont come back soon

6 views - 1 years ago

  Faster the Wolf

It makes me feel better

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39 views - 1 years ago

  Faster the Wolf


16 views - 1 years ago

  Faster the Wolf

Its fine… just a few pictures that are disgusting…. Dont think about it… *deep breath*

12 views - 1 years ago

  Faster the Wolf

I told her to wait 1 week or more so I’ll be alone at home also gm

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21 views - 1 years ago

  Faster the Wolf

She’s growing taller tho…? That’s good right…? Right?!

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32 views - 1 years ago

  Faster the Wolf

No one likes or like knows me that much… i dont have a real friend on here and I actually prefer ...

14 views - 1 years ago

  Faster the Wolf


12 views - 1 years ago

  Faster the Wolf

No Description

77 views - 1 years ago