


*noms chip* you don't have to baby me Sceni I'll be okay x///D I'm being a little dramatic anyway...

26 观点 - 11 years ago



*fingers my right hand around uselessly* I can't even pick up my Doritos .-. Hungieees

31 观点 - 11 years ago



It's hard to type with my finger bandaged o-o stupid banister...

8 观点 - 11 years ago



*hugs sceni back* I'm not going anywhere prince .-.

21 观点 - 11 years ago



I just had to wrap my finger I cut it on the banister on the way down the stairs... Btw Thanks fo...

30 观点 - 11 years ago



I use my iPhone too ya know...

10 观点 - 11 years ago


Why do people always jump to saying I'm a hoe.. I'm not a hoe..

18 观点 - 11 years ago


*ROFLMAO* Prince your art doesn't have "heart" I hardly consider a fucked up anime girl with shit...

14 观点 - 11 years ago


Oh prince.... Prince, prince, prince, prince, prince... Tsk Tsk Tsk Tsk.. I did that because you ...

7 观点 - 11 years ago


Listen seedy or whatever the hell your name is.. 1st of all I'm new at DC only been drawing there...

9 观点 - 11 years ago


Listen here bitch, I'll admit that you make a good argument but how bout you talk to me when your...

31 观点 - 11 years ago


Oh well I'm sorry I talked about Tyler soooo much!! I just wanted to share my feelings with you!!...

6 观点 - 11 years ago


No it's not cool... It's not fair that you're the one that said you didn't wanna be friends and t...

13 观点 - 11 years ago


I read what you said on my drawing ;-;... Do you really not wanna be my friend over this..? Okay ...

7 观点 - 11 years ago


I am calm..

8 观点 - 11 years ago


Prince, just leave me alone... I already had to handle the stuff with Tyler I don't need friend d...

20 观点 - 11 years ago


@Tiffany ya I'm okay Its just prince doesn't think it's me in my profile pics /: I don't see why...

6 观点 - 11 years ago


Oh... Then just pass in the MSG for me please.

15 观点 - 11 years ago