Is gay af
Plays violin, piano, saxophone, trombone, and flute
Has a special violin that wh...
Is Bi
Loves to watch youtube
Is a witch
Helps to control the galaxy
Is not looking to f...
Mum would u mind shipping this gay lil potatato
Sexuality; gay
Gender; male
Age; 15
I just want a decent life..
Why have I been so aggressive towards everyone lately..?
I would ask my parents but they’re eit...
Also sorry I havent been actually drawing recently.. I has the horrid art block..
They’re not clear..
They’re not white..
what color are they?
Like seriously I wanna know
Does anyone remember poop 2ick or tabitha?
Lol I completely forgot about them ((...
When almost everyone I know first joined animemaker they were happy as fu(DGE), now look at every...
Have I told you about the time I sucked your—
Oh god no
—tail into my mouth and almost ch...
Gender - female
Date of birth - Jan 9, 1990
Age - 27
Blood type - B+
Sexuality - straight
If you know this song I praise you.
Soooo— if you’re wondering about why he’s being like that its because his parents were assassinat...