Just because of that it made me realize that kids are special.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: straight
Likes: gardening
Hates: thunder
Crush: No one
Hit or miss I guess they never miss huh you got a boyfriend I bet he doesn’t kiss ya! mwah, he g...
Volt:”Just got plugged in so as humans say I’m ready and Steady.”
Gobble Gobble
I’m cause some trouble.
Lyrics: I’m gay, that’s ok! I’m furry. *Everyone Triggered* better hurry! *Epic chase*
No lie my...
Question: What was the most you ate without getting sick.
Well being the fat person I I’m I actu...
Hello everyone! I just want to answer some questions! This will probably get no reply’s but that’...
Creator:”Somebody give me clothes!”
Creator:”In a way I kind of deserve this but... it’s c...
No Description
Ask Alexis anything and in this contract she will answer it.
Alexis:”WOW, Thanks.”
Well My cousin made me a account so well YEY. I play in mobile.
Username: LxcidAnni3
So yeah. :p
I asked that question for a really long time.
Creator:”Alexis is still sleeping... should I prank her?”
I really want to draw spooky stuff so...
Got any ideas? You could tell me a death, a person , an...