
  Paint it black

Credit to stressed for the idea

Because they made a thing about WW2 japan and I got the idea a...

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15 views - 4 years ago

  Paint it black

He screames when he sees nam

13 views - 4 years ago

  Paint it black

I worked somewhat hard on this

Hope y’all like it ^^

Eh it’s not that good

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18 views - 4 years ago

  Paint it black


Taiwan x SK

Hahahhdhsjsixooxoxopspwl,mwnwnannabsbxxio p pspala,mans xbbxhzjiaiawkqmanhshxuxikx...

6 views - 4 years ago

  Paint it black

Hhhhnnnn preferably Country balls/Country humans

24 views - 4 years ago

  Paint it black

Japan: *Hiroshima flash backs*

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26 views - 4 years ago

  Paint it black

We didn’t go to the history museum it wasn’t like WW1 and stuff history it was natural history an...

16 views - 4 years ago

  Paint it black

Like if there was the annoying Olympics I’d win 1st place also I gtg

22 views - 4 years ago

  Paint it black

Might not be on be on because my dad dosent want me to be on ze LTE and I need batteries for pict...

20 views - 4 years ago

  Paint it black

Orange: very interesting, I LOVE I-

Green: where’s my shirt!?

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30 views - 4 years ago

  Paint it black

If I don’t respond I’m at ze history museum:D

26 views - 4 years ago

  Paint it black

I d e a s?

33 views - 4 years ago

  Paint it black

I may not get to Finnish some because I think we’re about to leave idk

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16 views - 4 years ago

  Paint it black

So if I don’t reply that’s where I am

24 views - 4 years ago

  Paint it black

CH/CB/ Colorhumans ideas?

Also is anyone even on (anyone that I know)

4 views - 4 years ago