
  Tarpit Eyes ●▪●

*tell me if you know the reference*

47 views - 6 years ago

  Tarpit Eyes ●▪●

Please, im lonely. ;-;

37 views - 6 years ago

  Tarpit Eyes ●▪●

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40 views - 6 years ago

  Tarpit Eyes ●▪●


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57 views - 6 years ago

  Tarpit Eyes ●▪●

Cute me with a knife.

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83 views - 6 years ago

  Tarpit Eyes ●▪●



18 views - 6 years ago

  Tarpit Eyes ●▪●

Her hair covers her eyes in my style because I hate the Slanty eye design. If you are drawing her...

71 views - 6 years ago

  Tarpit Eyes ●▪●

A red polo that looks like a walgreens uniform.
All black pants.
NO EARS!!! ;-;
And black shoes.

31 views - 6 years ago

  Tarpit Eyes ●▪●

71 views - 6 years ago