
  Tùzi 3<

Uh...heh... Thanks...

17 views - 10 years ago

  Tùzi 3<

(Continues to watch/listen)

30 views - 10 years ago

  Tùzi 3<

(Thinking:I feel like im eavesdropping...Probably cause i am...)

16 views - 10 years ago

  Tùzi 3<

(Looks up and watches Daisuki and Galaxy)

18 views - 10 years ago

  Tùzi 3<

Oh...(picks up the rock and gets out of the hole and places the rock back down)Well shes trying t...

18 views - 10 years ago

  Tùzi 3<

(Looks up at the robot and then at Daisuki)HIDE!! (Gets up and digs a hole under a rock gets in i...

17 views - 10 years ago

  Tùzi 3<

(Falls into the water and swims to land and coughs up some water) Im a survivor TTuTT thank you u...

19 views - 10 years ago

  Tùzi 3<

(Starts to cry a little) I DONT WANT TO DIE!!!TTATT LET GOOOOOOO!!! (Continues to struggle and cl...

19 views - 10 years ago

  Tùzi 3<

Noooo!!!My escape route!!Let go!Erg! (Starts to try to struggle free)

21 views - 10 years ago

  Tùzi 3<

(Stops running and looks up) Oh god!!(looks around for a hiding spot)Theres nothing to hide under...

18 views - 10 years ago

  Tùzi 3<

She has wings!?!!?

24 views - 10 years ago

  Tùzi 3<

(Continues to run while holding prince) WERE GONNA DIE!!!TTATT

11 views - 10 years ago

  Tùzi 3<

(Runs in prince's direction) PRINCE!!!(picks her up and keeps running)

13 views - 10 years ago

  Tùzi 3<

EEPP!!!(jumps out from the tree and runs towards the fence and climbs over it)

16 views - 10 years ago

  Tùzi 3<

18 views - 10 years ago

  Tùzi 3<

AHH!!!DONT KILL ME PLEASE!(hides back behind tree)

23 views - 10 years ago

  Tùzi 3<

. . .

16 views - 10 years ago

  Tùzi 3<

(Sees the robot girl walk up the ledge from the tree)Where is she going?(starts to quietly follow...

14 views - 10 years ago