

Lavender:#life doesn't suck unless you get a hug///#that's true sis gg

20 views - 6 years ago


Like if anyone cared......

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317 views - 6 years ago


Well I won't be one much not going to be posting much I just miss someone that's really important...

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158 views - 6 years ago


Mercy:thx guys for cheering me up *smiles*

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6 views - 6 years ago


Killer:growls*///bunny:calm down don't listen to them you'll find love....///killer:SHUT UP!!!!*c...

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55 views - 6 years ago


I don't care if you guys like It I hate it like really really really!hate it ;-;

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87 views - 6 years ago


It's gb eyless Jack and gb Jeff the killer
I might do more but meh :3

25 views - 6 years ago



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75 views - 6 years ago


;-; I miss him so much

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27 views - 6 years ago


Ocs:me,lavender (my sister)
(Welp gtg; -;)

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54 views - 6 years ago


Ocs:angle cloud,and mercy

21 views - 6 years ago


Mercy:puts on mask*.....///angle cloud:does the same*......

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29 views - 6 years ago


I guess is a animation but...meh

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76 views - 6 years ago


And thx for 43 followers!!!!!!ty guys so much!!!!!:D

5 views - 6 years ago


Mercy:good morning
Raido:morning dudes!
Sound:morning peeps!

27 views - 6 years ago


Mercy:a-about t-time.....

13 views - 6 years ago


I scared my cat and she went flying and I started to laugh then fell to the ground laughing holdi...

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55 views - 6 years ago