
  Holiday Faith/FluffyMinty i...

Name: Annika
She's shy and has Social Anxiety (yay someone like me :"D)
And she's Bi
So anyone...

10 views - 5 years ago

  Holiday Faith/FluffyMinty i...

Oofie he's mad cause he ran into a wall by accident and cracked his mask
Which he hates
And tha...

54 views - 5 years ago

  Holiday Faith/FluffyMinty i...

Because I get really bored when I sleep so sometimes I draw

20 views - 5 years ago

  Holiday Faith/FluffyMinty i...

How are you
I'm fine
I got out of school at 12:15 today
And I ate nachos at school too

54 views - 5 years ago

  Holiday Faith/FluffyMinty i...

My mom has the heater on cause she's cold while I'm in my room sweating a lot >:/

15 views - 5 years ago

  Holiday Faith/FluffyMinty i...

(Backstory) so when he was 4 he was with his sister playing and the neighbors dog came out the ho...

19 views - 5 years ago

  Holiday Faith/FluffyMinty i...

So when I was 5 my mom would always make me eat but she lets me eat in her room and watch TV.And ...

36 views - 5 years ago

  Holiday Faith/FluffyMinty i...

I was supposed to introduce this oc yesterday but I didn't have any time too so here he is

22 views - 5 years ago

  Holiday Faith/FluffyMinty i...

My lip is busted cause this kid threw a basketball at me while I was in a fight with these 3 kids...

29 views - 5 years ago

  Holiday Faith/FluffyMinty i...

Ok so I wasn't on for some "reasons" and here's some new ocs
Ava is 16 and she's very positive a...

31 views - 5 years ago

  Holiday Faith/FluffyMinty i...

Today at school my partner pulled my chair away from me cause I was standing up organizing my stu...

24 views - 5 years ago

  Holiday Faith/FluffyMinty i...

Oofie I'm so lAzy

14 views - 5 years ago

  Holiday Faith/FluffyMinty i...

Uwu hope u like it uwu

10 views - 5 years ago

  Holiday Faith/FluffyMinty i...

I personally think I suck at art

18 views - 5 years ago