Juno alive again well only ...
With my family
((Oof I wanna make junø genderless.))
**inserts my same description**
Also my first cuss word was hell xD
Aye remember this anime thing I made? Well I was looking at that account and found out I did it t...
Aka The retord is me :D
Im properly got to bed soon -u-
((I cant draw tords hair ;U; cri cri))
((Remember my other post well there proof that junø wil nEvEr hAVe boobs. She is ageless why does...
I wanna dance for some reason.
Like my status if you think im sexy~ **hIcC** **dances with a black tan-top and black socks**
~((1,2,3 is taken))~
((Im proud of the jacket lol))
I ruin everything lol
Im having a good time.
Don't stop me.