Now with genders and heights.
You guys wanna make them crushes? They're all single cause I have ...
When simply dazing over a girl is not enough.
When you actually fall head over heels for a girl.
Fixed some of it slightly.
Doodle: O-oh.
Fun fact: ??&? Have wings. Oh and Death wears a watch that tells him when someone is supposed to ...
Names: ???
Crush:???(None, feel free to make them someone to be shipped with)...
Name: Epizón which means survivor in greek
Age: 27 before death
Crush: ???(he has one just not ...
Name: Death
Age: ???
Crush:???(he actually has one but mk)
Face: Those who have seen it, never...
So I have some old characters I've never shown you guys. Would you maybe wanna see them?
Some of...
I made these so long ago. Anyways. They're all mutes. Hazard is the oldest, Danger is the middle ...
He's a really old character of mine. I just found him while I was looking through old drawings.
I know this is stupid but what if blue did have braces?
My friend asked me the question a little...
Doodle: O-oh?
Yeah, the other one was better but okay.