★彡 ᙢøøñᗫęᐻïł 彡★: Hug plz :3
S.S:Don't mind him he's still crying from the last dare... | Kuma:*m...
Dashy Universe: I dare S.S to dress as a boy and pretend that S.S is missing in front of Kuma and...
⬜Panda girl⬛️: I dare you to do sky diving :3
S.S:Maybe that was a bad idea... | Kuma:AHHH!!!
poppyspeedy: I dare you to eat raw fish
Kuma:S.S dislikes seafood... | S.S:I don't dislike seafo...
Characters: S.S[F;12] and Kuma[M;12]
No inappropriate rude or dramatic comments. This is like o...
I have no school today so I'll be online! Idk what I'll do but I guess what my mind wants!
LosersLoundge: Do you guys want brownies??? *holds up a tray of Brownies*
Both:Yes!*takes browni...
My characters:Bian(she has arm for now but she's still mute), and Chaka
No inappropriate rude or...
Rules; No inappropriate rude or dramatic questions and rp are allowed but must be short. There's ...
It's late for me but to my luck I have no school on a weekday/tomorrow! I'll probably be online b...
I'll choose to stay away from most people. That includes most of my family... I don't have an ide...
LosersLoundge: All 3 (Me, Kuma and S.S pls) of us wear swimming outfits owo
Kuma:This is really ...
Dashy Universe: Can we switch clothes plz??? S.S can wear Kuma, Kuma can wear mines, and I can we...
No inappropriate comments. I have my limits on how much skin can be shown so if I say no please u...
S.S:YA PAL ANDd GAL ARE BACK Y'ALL! | Kuma: Please don't do that again...
I have school today but it'll be worth it to just get it done with so I can come online! Anyways ...