

Whoops nvm no one had summon me- back to the hole-

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134 views - 5 years ago


My two main best friends scared me ;3; and my brother scared me as well ;w; am I ok? Nope-

27 views - 5 years ago


His name is.. Haruto- and his sexuality is bi (prefers girls but a bit of guys-)

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33 views - 5 years ago


Shiro: I’m your future son!...
Rutger: ._.

90 views - 5 years ago


He doesn’t ;—; girls only like him only for his ears and tail ;<;

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24 views - 5 years ago


And yes you have been blessed uwu

204 views - 5 years ago


He’s straight (he prefers girls that are kind, sweet, lovable will do anything for him and mostly...

30 views - 5 years ago


You can either ship Keaton (with the red eyes) his sexuality is straight- or Cricket (with brown ...

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22 views - 5 years ago



20 views - 5 years ago


:’D cuz no one will ever want to rp with a boring person like me right?

25 views - 5 years ago


He’s bi that’s all :’3

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22 views - 5 years ago


Let’s have life of his deal with this only - :”3

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34 views - 5 years ago


No ok? That’s okie ówò” if you want to then comment uwu but if you are then you can call ONE nick...

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21 views - 5 years ago


Niles: yes..! I’m here to get revenge! // Kaze: for what!? // Niles: Kana hurts my son Asugi ! //...

64 views - 5 years ago


He’s straight, he had a twin brother but his brother is already going be shipped uwu

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19 views - 5 years ago


He Never ever slept at all but he’s good I guess, don’t ask bout him, Ask catrio bout it trust me...

50 views - 5 years ago


The red one is Ryusei the other is Ryuki, Ryusei is actually overprotective of his lil bro And hi...

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30 views - 5 years ago


The reason why I haven’t draw him bc he was in the hospital having multiple surgeries to able to ...

25 views - 5 years ago