conas atá sibh go léir inniu?
Tháinig mé chomh gar do deireadh a chur leis ar fad, le cúpla ua...
Do you perffer running a mile in the hot weather or in the cold weather?
I prefer death, actua...
my first drawing?
I used to be obsessed w mlp
it was my whole damn childhood 💀
thought I'd be gone for longer but ig not.
I'm fine
it's fine
everything's fine 👍
am I jealous?
is that what this is??
idfk anymore
god I wanna jump into a raging pit of f...
totally fine
everything is fine
the more I gaslight myself the closer I'll be to believing ...
I feel
......less than good.
doesn't matter
stuck on my 2nd acc again until at least Monday
lmao this phone is horrible to draw on I'm so happy
I have just discovered that my father is even more of a scumbag than I thought 😋
he's got a da...