

Am trying to animate a dance from tt

7 views - 2 years ago


Whenever I would leave the house with my suit case I would always get lost even though am just n...

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48 views - 2 years ago


23 views - 2 years ago


Don't know anything about me?
Huh, huh, huh??
Well today your gonna know everything about me, ...

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24 views - 2 years ago


I founded this idea from Pinterest πŸ‘

9 views - 2 years ago


I was acting soo dramatic yesterday because there was no Wi-Fi #wifi is life

8 views - 2 years ago


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38 views - 2 years ago


The say that they dress like that because that there sooo " hot "
Even though I realy see a swea...

52 views - 2 years ago


I tried drawing my self doing a backflip from the front angle...
But I failed you guys πŸ˜”

19 views - 2 years ago


Your style is so hard :c
I have to confess something to you, America...
I don't like your rece...

15 views - 2 years ago


Uuum so yeah

15 views - 2 years ago


11 views - 2 years ago


2/14/2016 was the last day I saw my friends <:(

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42 views - 2 years ago


What if it was true?😳

26 views - 2 years ago


I was too lazy to shade 😒
The eyes look weird

23 views - 2 years ago


10 views - 2 years ago


The teachers didn't have any weapons or punishments in zoom meetings >:)

13 views - 2 years ago


Idk what to say..

20 views - 2 years ago