First hint: his name is within this 5 cent "NICKle"
Shelby: his name is Francèe and he's the "Worst" cousin I ever had >:3
(We joke around like that.)
Yes, my dads a wolf and I'm a cat! (Well, my mother was a cat so...wrong animal?)
Gn to all around the world...(I don't know about you China and Japan...)
Japo: Somethings odd, I can feel it.
Japo loves visitors!
Will you accept?
Yes No
Shelby: I wasn't lying at all lol
Boris: Delete it Shelby!
You haven't seen him in a while!
Now he's back with a new style!
No gross blushes = Gross replies
That's just what I needed to say.
Good Luck! :3