Bigomo and Kleptocat [Paste...
If dog does one bite, I'm dead.
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I'm back because of my best friend ever NickTheCat!!!!
At this time is not prank. I'm taking a leave, and "maybe" I come back.
Midnight Cat sorry if I drew him bad just you know I'm suck at drawings
If the world gets angry, the pieces of me gets destroyed. Also bully meter if high I get destroye...
With April 1!
The Black man is me if you doesn't know
Only guys with name Donald can enter this house
Back with bandage and till pain gone I'll wear the bandage
Server: The Heinz has been planted.
Markiplier! I don't remember his colors only the Mustaches color is pink
He is half-shadow and half-human
Idk why I'm still alive bcuz my blood don't stop 3 days OMG
Still feeling bad.