Ellie: *Covers Face* I Can't Beilive I have a Crush...
Me: ? what Happened Ellie?
Ellie: O_O NO...
Navy: *Blushes So Hard* >/////////<
Me: ? Navy what's Wrong??
Navy: Nothing!!!! *Covers Face*
She's Cursed's Sister. And Lily's Too. she's Shy. she's A Robot. she Goes Around Looking For Her ...
She's Half Robot she Controls sometimes..... she's shy
Did not have fun...
Natalie: *cries so slient*
She's Good and annoying... Me: *Plays With Sweesie* Sweesie: *Licks Her Alot* Me: SWEESIE STOP!!!
My sister is shy she's good at math, school and she hurt her eye
This is my sister's new form here goes!
Yasss time to show my real self c: