Doge Studios (user left his...
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Part two coming soon.
The finale is here,pink ninja die,30 followers for season 3.
The pink ninja absorb the powers of the purple ninjas,so green ninja and red ninja needed to get ...
Why did you unfllow me,did i do something wrong. Well,today is friday 13th,you know the day of b...
We get to 100 animations.
Is ture,i wait nothing happen to one of us.
What you rather,dying or living by helping a guy
A nerd tough i was a ant so he trap me to study me.
The inventor make pink ninja bigger for accident
Yestuday was picture day,and everytime they take a picture there is a light that ugh i dont know ...
Okey so you need to draw a house,but not any kind of house,you need to do the house of your dream...
I s lesbian 2 but with diffrent name,and this is before they have sex just that it come out after.
A pink ninja kill them,then red ninja and green ninja start casing pink ninja,pink ninja got trap...
(Coming soon)
Is not only a red screen
Some how there is internet here
Dont get confuse eith pink ninja with purple ninja