It sounds like you're under a lot of stress.... I hope you'll feel better soon! I'm sending you a...
It sounds like you're under a lot of stress.... I hope you'll feel better soon! I'm sending you a...
Good morning and happy Saturday!! I'm real sleepy... Good thing it's the weekend. Anybody else bo...
Hey guys! I haven't been on in a while, I dunno if anyone noticed... But, nevertheless! Good morn...
Hey there!! How's everyone been? I hope it's all good everywhere for everybody!! I look forward t...
I haven't been on for a while. Hello everyone....
There are other ways to remove hurt and upset feelings, Bunny...
I'm soooo glad to hear that someone else plays Animal Crossing!! That makes me really happy. Oh! ...
Hello there to Bunny, and anyone else who ventures on today!!
Lots of other users are doing transformations, so I decided to make a humanified Kirby transforma...
Good morning and happy Saturday to all my artist friends and animator pals.
I drew Wendy and Angel because I thought they were so cute. Hope you like it!! :)
I'll have to agree with Bunny, leveling up Pokemon can be quite taxing. Anyway, hello children of...
Love ya too, Issa-chan!!! In a friend-type way!!! ❤ (I'm a lady too so of course...)
What if we could do this? Wouldn't a lot of things be better?