Hope you like it idiot animation :D if you wanna be in my avatar then like this and comment me pl...
4: the giveup Carl stradegy
3: ☆that random person☆
2: lillymonster
1: iguyMakesComics!
And m...
If you wanna make me in your animation then u can make dis :D
Send this to your dad please (or if you want to TVT)
Cuz a Notification ruins my hole animation and I’m kinda tired so may I do it in a hour or two 😓😓😅😣
Cuz I’m a Flippin dinosaur @-@
There are 4 places so they can run out fast so don’t be shy and pick a spot :D
XD this is my fav animation yet but it’s true tho
Well you see coco pops are very precious to me I have them they are the best in the world and als...
Tell me anything I will respond with a answer so go don’t be shy