The OCs are very important to remember if I do make a POV story
Sora wanted to give you a gift when he realized you would love an emerald/gemstone. So he went af...
Sora is am oc persona which means his personal traits have some of my irl traits but he is not me...
He still CRAVES attention.
Sora loves being pet and rubbed. Give the good boi some love
I want to do some more povs with him lol
Take One Oc and make it into an original animatronic! (Fnaf inspired challenge)
I will be maki...
Not being able to feel sexual attraction to people, Sora grows STRONG romantic feelings and somet...
At this point he doesn’t even have eyes omg
Sora: I just don’t like when people wrap around me in general
Like I just want to socialize with friends
I’ll probably be on here all day because I’ve been not sleeping this past weekend to animate (mos...
So I’m not going to be on here a lot but you can follow my discord or insta if you want to talk t...